
Nine Decades of Secular Humanism

by James A. Haught

Few people realize it, but secular humanism ā€“ the progressive crusade to improve life for all ā€“ may be the chief driving force of western civilization.

Humanism means helping people, and secular means doing it without supernatural religion. The movement soared three centuries ago in The Enlightenment, when bold thinkers sought to end the divine right of kings, end church abuses, create democracy, launch human rights, halt the privileges of aristocrats, and bring other reforms such as personal equality, free speech, and a social safety net. 

Enlightenment Ideas

Thomas Hobbes envisioned a ā€œsocial contractā€ in which people granted the power to the government to gain protection. John Locke sought the separation of church and state. Baron Montesquieu outlined a democracy with judicial, executive, and legislative branches. Voltaire sneered at Christianity as ā€œthe most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that ever infected the world.ā€ Baruch Spinoza was excommunicated by Jews for doubting a personal god. Francis Bacon developed the scientific method of seeking facts. David Hume said scientific inquiry makes miracles implausible.Ā 

Enlightenment ideas were absorbed by Americaā€™s radical founders and incorporated into the first modern democracy. But progress was slow, requiring many painful battles against conservatives. The horrible Civil War ended slavery. Suffragettes endured long struggles before women could vote. Margaret Sanger went to jail repeatedly to gain couples a right to use birth control.

Margaret Sanger

I was born in 1932 when Franklin Roosevelt won the White House and won major secular humanist advances. His ā€œNew Dealā€ passed Social Security pensions for retirees, gave unions a right to organize, provided unemployment compensation for the jobless and workers compensation for those injured at work, banned child labor, set a 40-hour workweek and a minimum wage, created food stamps and welfare for the poor, launched massive public works to make jobs, created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to protect bank depositors, and much more.

Human Rights Takes on Fundamentalism

But fundamentalist taboos remained strong in America. When I came of age in the 1950s, gay sex was a felony, and homosexuals hid in the closet. It was a crime in some states for stores to open on the Sabbath. It was illegal where many lived to look at something like a Playboy magazine or sexy R-rated movie ā€“ or even read about sex. Blacks were confined to ghettos, not allowed into white-only restaurants, hotels, clubs, pools, schools, careers, or neighborhoods. Interracial marriage was illegal. Schools had government-mandated prayers, and biology classes didnā€™t mention evolution. Buying a cocktail or lottery ticket was a crime. Birth control was illegal in some states. Desperate girls couldnā€™t end pregnancies, except via back-alley butchers. Unwed couples couldnā€™t share a bedroom. Other Puritanism was locked into law.

Later, all those born-again strictures were wiped out, one after another. Human rights and personal freedoms snowballed. Society changed so radically that itā€™s hard to remember the old ā€œthou shalt nots.ā€

The U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren transformed America: outlawing racially segregated schools, outlawing government-enforced school prayer, striking down state laws against birth control and mixed marriage, protecting poor defendants against police abuses, mandating ā€œone man, one voteā€ equality in districts to stop sparse rural conservatives from dominating legislatures. The Warren Court gave couples privacy in the bedroom ā€“ which set the stage for a later ruling that let women and girls end pregnancies. Other subsequent decisions decriminalized gay sex, gave homosexuals a right to marry, and made gays safer from cruel discrimination.

The Great Society & Civil Rights

Lyndon Johnsonā€™s Great Society leaped forward with Medicare, Medicaid, the Job Corps, Head Start, public radio and television, consumer protection, pollution curbs, senior citizen meals, the National Trails System, and 200 other improvements. Four major laws guaranteed racial equality.

Lyndon Johnson

Meanwhile, the historic civil rights movement made America honor its pledge that ā€œall men are created equal.ā€ Birth control pills freed women from endless pregnancy and triggered the sexual revolution against bluenose church taboos. Womenā€™s liberation weakened male domination. Gays gained legal equality through historic breakthroughs. The youth rebellion of the 1960s still has repercussions.

A 1987 high court ruling forbade public schools to teach ā€œcreationism.ā€ Other progressive advances included marijuana legalization in many states and the beginning of ā€œright to die with dignityā€ laws.

We Need More Progressive Reformers

Finally, the collapse of the idiotic Trump era and the disintegration of supernatural religion in western democracies are more victories for secular humanism.

Decade after decade, progressive reformers defeated bigoted religion and right-wing political resistance to wiping out hidebound strictures. 

Barely noticed, humanist advances helped billions. The war between nations virtually ceased in the past half-century. In the 1800s, life expectancy averaged 35 years because of high childhood deaths, but now itā€™s near 80. Literacy and education have soared. Each day, 200,000 more people rise above rock-bottom $2-per-day poverty. Each day, 300,000 more gain access to electricity and clean water for the first time. Famines have almost vanished. Progressive values keep climbing.

Iā€™ll be 90 on my next birthday. My nine decades have seen wonderful progress.

Life can be absurd (the Trump era, for example). But thatā€™s only part of the truth. The marvelous rise of secular humanism in a single lifetime ā€“ greatly improving life for all ā€“ paints a much-brighter hope for humanity. Letā€™s keep striving for more advances.

James Haught, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is editor emeritus of West Virginiaā€™s largest newspaper, The Charleston Gazette-Mail, and author of 12 books.

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